Last weekend, Usher was bull-rushed by an angry woman wanting to fight him because he was parked in a handicapped spot in Atlanta. Earlier she had asked him to move his car but he refused, in resulting of her screaming, flailing her arms, grabbing Usher's hoodie, while screaming "You don't belong here!". The woman's husband eventually pulled her away, then Usher drove away shortly after. She tried to contact his people to complain but was not successful says TMZ.
I think that even though Usher is a celebrity, he is still human like every one else. He shouldn't be allowed to park in a handicap spot if no one else does. Some one who was really handicap could have needed that spot but some one who is physically capable to walking a couple more steps had that spot because he felt superior. Even though, I think that the woman was right about him parking there, her reaction was too dramatic and over the top. She caused more drama and attention that was needed. She could have simply called the cops or done something different instead of trying to attack him and hurt him. Hopefully, she learnt her lesson and next time she will think of a different method to deal with her problems.
I think this is pretty funny. Ushers negligence toards the parking spot was a horrible decision on his part but how the lady reacted, attacking Usher, she seemed capable herself of walking a cuple more steps to the building. But it just goes to show we're all human and we get a little to big headed about certain things. Awesome blog !:)