Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Britney Spears turns 30!

Today, December 2nd, Britney Spears turns 30 years old. I'm really happy that she actually reached this age because the way she was going, who knows if she would have. She has been through a lot in her life that made people wonder if she would have an early death like many stars and celebrities. Some of her incidents include shaving her head in an L.A. salon on February 16th, 2007, and then checking into rehab a week later. She's had 2 children with Kevin Federloin then later, they file for divorce and almost losing custody of her children. Failing multiple drug tests in her lifetime which has cause her many conflicts. In conclusion, she has had a troubled life with many problems so I hope she celebrates this great day with her friends and family because it is a great accomplishment that she has reached this age. Although, I hope she doesnt take things too far considering her past, like partying too hard and getting herself into unnecessary trouble that should definately be avoided. On the other hand, Britney Spears is very successful, coming out with 6 main record albums and lots of hit singles including "Baby One More Time" (1998), "Toxic" (2004), "Hold It Against Me" (2011), "Womanizer" (2008), etc... So she has lots of reasons to be happy and celebrate because she has been really successful. I just hope her the best because she's really talented and can put it all towards some great things!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Situation Sues Abercrombie & Fitch

Three months ago, the clothing company Abercrombie and Fitch offered one of the cast of Jersey Shore, Michael Sorrentino some money NOT to wear their clothing. In August, the company quoted "We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino's association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image." The Situation is now suing them for for infrigement on him and Jersey Shore's trademarks on their shirts such as "GTL" and "Fitchuation". He is now asking for 4 million dollars from A&F, for what he claims are damages. Sources taken from TMZ.

In my opinion, this scenario doesn't make sense. A&F doesn't want the Situation wearing their clothes because it damages their image, but then they come out with shirts with the labels "GTL" and "Fitchuation". This really confuses me because A&F did not want anything to do with Jersey Shore and the cast, but they start selling shirts that are directly from the show and the cast?
On another hand, A&F could be inevidently making fun of the Situation because he declined their offer of never wearing their clothes again, so maybe they think they can fight fire with fire to get what they want. But, it's just resulting him wanting to sue them for copying their trademark, so if you fight fire with fire every one gets burned because there is no positive side to this conflict.